Two Churches, One Marriage – Interchurch Couples

Two Churches, One Marriage is a free, web-based program that explores the challenges and rewards that interchurch couples may encounter, as well as strategies for dealing with those challenges. For those interested in offering the program in a workshop format, you can e-mail Dr. Williams at to request a free electronic copy of the leader manual…

via Two Churches, One Marriage – Interchurch Couples.

A Catholic Marriage-Building Innovation Roundtable

376-risti_6_b.jpgFriday, April 19, 2013 ~ 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.
Ayres Suites Hotel (near Ontario Airport)
1945 East Holt Blvd. * Ontario, CA * 91761 *

(800) 248-4661
Many of the challenges that our Church – and our society – are facing today would be positively impacted if the marriages and families in our Church were healthy, strong, and vibrant. Today, perhaps more than ever, the Church needs to have a comprehensive strategy for supporting and invigorating marriages and families.
In this unique setting designed to overcome some of the common obstacles to innovative thinking and problem solving, new ideas will be infused into existing efforts, challenging us to create plans that will be effective in our unique church environment. Some of the best and most effective mod-els of marriage education and ministry will be explored.

Facilitators for the day will be Lorrie Gramer, President of the National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers, along with Bill Coffin. who are both Senior Consultants tor Marriage-Building California.
Registration is free, but ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS A MUST.
A complete schedule will be available here in March.
Lunch will be included.
A limited number of travel/accommodation vouchers are available. Please contact us to request one.

You are also invited and encouraged to take advantage of the following day’s trainings for Fully Engaged: a new Catholic Pre-marital Inventory and the Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide, two of the best Catholic efforts in their field. Chris Codden and Rose Sweet will be the trainers and this event is being hosted by the Diocese of San Bernardino.

What Catholic Women Want – Kathryn Jean Lopez – National Review Online

The pope has renounced the papal throne. Long live the new progressive pope! Such are the rallying cries from establishment voices wanting to see the Catholic Church cease being Catholic now that Pope Benedict XVI will be pope no longer. That this chorus would have the Vatican dancing to the beat of a Lady Gaga song is no surprise. The fascinating rejoinder is: You know that Church that has been cast in conventional narratives as an oppressor of women and backward in the ways of the world, most particularly when it comes to sex? You know what Catholic women want from it? To hear more about what the Church actually proposes!…

via What Catholic Women Want – Kathryn Jean Lopez – National Review Online.

Marriage enrichment: Make significant days a family affair

Holidays, feast days are ways parents can establish traditions that can be handed down to children

Recently, a dear friend of mine gave me a gift of Irish-themed kitchen items. She gave them to me because she knows that I love St. Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick’s Day has been an important day all my life and I have many wonderful memories of celebrating the holiday with my family and friends while growing up.My love of St. Patrick’s Day did pose a small problem for me, however, when I married a full-blooded Italian…

via Marriage enrichment: Make significant days a family affair.

Enhance Your Learning Experience | IPS Online Education

Our highly professional presentations allow you to watch the presenter and follow along with the slides simultaneously.

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Customize our resources to meet your needs by purchasing individual webinars or an annual membership.

via Enhance Your Learning Experience | IPS Online Education.

Archbishop Aquila: live marriage as public witness to truth :: EWTN News

To build a culture of life, Catholics must live their marriage and family lives as a witness to the truth written on the human heart, Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila of Denver told a local gathering.“If we want to overcome the lies about sexuality, marriage and family, we need to overcome them with the truth,” the archbishop told a Feb. 14 meeting of the Denver chapter of Legatus, an organization of Catholic business leaders.“If we intend to restore social and legal protection for marriage, your task is to live your marriages as a public witness to the truth about the dignity and gift of human sexuality and the family,” he emphasized.  Archbishop Aquila began the discussion of the…

via Archbishop Aquila: live marriage as public witness to truth :: EWTN News.

Communication Skills Workshop – Marriage Initiative – Diocese of San Bernardino

imageCommunication Skills

Program Selections

The Office of Catechetical Ministry has trained facilitators to teach the various curricula offered in Spanish and English. There are some programs that serve as an introductory course. For example, PAIRS Essentials can serve as an introductory class to Mastering the Mysteries of Love. It is important that we continue to select high quality curricula, and offer high quality training to instructors at the Diocese level. We currently have five approved curricula that teach communication skills…

via Communication Skills Workshop – Marriage Initiative – Diocese of San Bernardino.

Love’s Sacred Embrace | The Joyful Experience of Sacramental Marriage

What does it mean to practice humility in our marriage?

In Fr. Adam’s homily last Sunday he reflected on this virtue and I’ve been thinking about it a lot this week.  One of the first thing that comes to mind as I reflect on my own humility (or Iack thereof) as it relates to marriage is that famous letter from Paul to the Corinthians.  Love is many things but when practicing humility in our love we must be honest about our own weaknesses.  It’s easy to fall into a pattern of judgment within our marriage.  For example, he didn’t do that.  She is mad at me for no reason. This fight was his/her fault.  I think we can all agree that this is not the love and humility that God asks from us when He calls us to the Sacrament of Marriage…

via Love’s Sacred Embrace | The Joyful Experience of Sacramental Marriage.

Vatican Prelate Emphasizes the Need for States to Promote Marriage and the Family | Catholics For The Common Good

…To provide what I hope are some useful guideposts, I would like to expand my discussion to four separate areas, drawing on certain sociological studies promoted by the Pontifical Council for the Family.

First, the couple and marriage. The fact of getting married constitutes an added value for persons and for society, in that the marriage contract enhances the quality of the relationship of the couple and has important positive consequences biological, psychological, economic and social for children and adults. Simple cohabitation is not equal to marriage because it renders relations unstable and creates major uncertainty in the lives of children. Divorce itself or the choice of single parenthood increases the risk of school failure for children. The stability of family relations is a precious good, and when it is lacking, all members of the family are at risk. In particular, marriage stability is decisive for the successful socialization of children. Divorce, as well as birth outside marriage, increases the risk of poverty for children and mothers. Stepfamilies, reconstituted families and blended families experience many problems with respect to relations between the new parents and the children of their former unions.

On the other hand, marriage, between a man and a woman, generates benefits that other forms of “living together” do not. Those other forms are just not the same as marriage….

via Vatican Prelate Emphacizes the Need for States to Promote Marriage and the Family | Catholics For The Common Good.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Sacramento – Marriage Enrichment

Husband and wife, called to live out their divine vocation as a “domestic church,” can find support and strength in several established organizations and programs.


The Office of Family, Youth and Young Adults serves as an advocate for marriage enrichment.  Marriage is a covenant or partnership of life between a man and a woman, which is ordered to the well-being of the spouses and to the procreation and upbringing of children.  When validly contracted between two baptized people, marriage is a sacrament (matrimony).  (CCC 1601)

see Links & Resources

via Roman Catholic Diocese of Sacramento – Marriage Enrichment.

Marriage and Family: A Major Theme for Pope Benedict XVI « For Your Marriage

“Falling in love is a wonderful thing,” Pope Benedict XVI told the World Meeting of Families last spring in Milan, Italy. However, the pope described falling in love as the start of a couple’s journey, not its highest point. Something “more wonderful still” awaits the couple, he said. Responding to a question asked during a June 2 “evening of witness” in Milan by an engaged couple from Madagascar, the pope said: “I often think of the wedding feast of Cana. The first wine is very fine: This is falling in love. But it does not last until the end: A second wine has to come later, it has to ferment and grow, to mature. “The definitive love that can truly become this ‘second wine is more wonderful still; it is better than…

via Marriage and Family: A Major Theme for Pope Benedict XVI « For Your Marriage.